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Pictures...page 5!!!

Wow, I sure can scan a lot of pics.
But what the fuck, eh.

Things NOT to do with mom's car...
Especially when your pal is in the stands with his goddamn camera!
Everybody hail the king of beers.
Here, from l-r, Lance, Michele, Mark, and Mike R. are enjoying the king of beers, buttwiper.
Here's me and Mike R. watching for a change.
Mike has his usual goofy grin, while I look like I'd been riddin' hard and put away wet. It's just how I look after a weekend of racing.
Michele burning the ET Streets.
I wonder how bad she smoked her opponent this run?.
Mr. Hagen approaching the line.
Rod's got his game face on and is ready to run.
Gotta heat them McCreary's and get them sticky.
Rod was all smiles and boners when he ran a 13.09 @ 104mph this past season.
Mike J. doing what he does best.
I wonder if he's actually going to put sticky tires on that bitch this coming season?

Dammit. I keep running out of room.