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Here's a bunch more pics. I have a scanner now.
Hotrods for your viewing enjoyment...I farted.

105 mph in a Datsun B210...scary deal.
I snapped this pic on the way home from Streetwheelers 2001, in Lethbridge. Needless to say, I wanted to get home fast.
And if you pan to the right, you'll see a 466" Ford.
Wow. Isn't that special. A Ford motor. Whoopee ding. Ladee-frickin'-da! Hey, forget you pal!
Ported and polished and rarin' to go.
My last move is to change a main bearing out, and get a better intake and we're laughing.
The Panther Pink 1968 Satellite!
With a little 318 and a 4 speed, this beaut ran a 13.88 this past year. Now the 4 speed is getting a make over, and the rear end is getting a set of 5.13's!
The little engine that could.
People may claim it to be a 383 or 440 powered car, but it's only got a 250,000 mile 318 with a .508" cam. It really amazes me how fast this car is for what it has...or has not got. It is beautifully simple and works really well. And it mph's like a mother in the top end!!
Mikey Messy is at it again.
What can I say about this truck...It has survived almost 8 long hard years of street/strip abuse and keeps on coming. It still has the junker monte carlo engine in it that was only supposed to get him to the paint shop and home. But with the tranny all but giving up and a few leaks like the Exxon Valdez, even Messy figures it's time for a rebuild. 'Bout time.
Apparently, Mark isn't too friendly with the local media.
But that's OK, because we all still like him anyway.