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My artwork...

Not to be outdone by a mopar guy, I thought I would scan a few old drawings I did.

I used to draw a lot. I used to do a lot of things, and then I got my license and a need for speed. Now I'm just a worthless bum. I don't even deserve to be on this planet. So I will be killing myself in 2005. Hahaha, you wish!!


I did this one back in high school. I found it going through an old binder from my Hat High days.

Pro street Pinto I did back in '96.

Ok...so it's a Chryco, but nothing says cool like a tubbed out '78 LeBaron 2 door.
Ever notice that on the back of these cars where the "LeBaron" emblem is that the "L" is ALWAYS broken off?
Next time you see one of these cars, check it out.
I can almost guarantee you that it's broken off.

I ain't done yet, boys.