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We're not just greasy wrenchers...
Some of us have some other talents...especially after a dozen beer or so. Here is Mike R.'s cousin Steve M.'s 1973 340 Duster. I will have some pics of his car soon, pics of how it used to look before he rolled it. But here, you'll get the general idea! He drew this all blazed up on barley pop one night...
Oh, I should tell you all the story of Morgan's housewarming party and Steve and the bottle of whiskey and the stairs...but I won't!

Poor me. A Ford boy surrounded by all these Mopar nuts!
My next vehilce will be a Mopar, and you can take that to the bank.
Some people accuse me of being an ass.
Well you know what? I don't really give a darn. You either like me or you don't...your choice.

Well I'm outta stuff to post for now.
Stay tuned when I get more pics.

Click here for gross stuff.

Here's a 360 mopar powered pinto I drew in ' 94.
the paper is all yellowing cuz it's so old.

Here's a cool Challenger

If anyone has pics they want posted, email me!